Best practice methods for collecting Sentia sample repeatability data.

Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy in Sentia Testing

To collect accurate repeatability data for Sentia, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Collect a homogeneous sample for testing. If the sample is visibly gaseous, turbid, or contains a high sediment load, pre-treat it before testing.
  2. Test under consistent conditions. Ensure the sample is tested from a single aliquot, at ambient temperature, using the same Sentia meter, one batch of vial strips, and one buffer batch (if applicable). The operator conducting the testing should remain the same throughout the process.
  3. Maintain a consistent sample application method. Transfer the sample to the strip in the same manner each time, ensuring a similar volume is applied. Avoid bubbling the sample upon application to the strip.
  4. Perform multiple repeat measurements. Collect at least 5 consecutive data points from the same sample (or a single dilution, if applicable) to assess repeatability. Ensure these measurements are taken in quick succession, not hours or days apart.
  5. Dilution repeats should be run within 30 minutes of preparation (if applicable) to avoid degradation issues that may lead to inconsistent results.
  6. Ensure testing materials are in optimal condition. Verify expiry dates and confirm that recommended storage conditions have been followed, ensuring that materials remain uncompromised prior to testing.